Steam heat exchanger

Steam heat exchanger

Steam heater is a special type of heat exchanger that transfers heat from steam to well fluid. It is mainly used in well testing and well flushing. The configuration of steam heat exchanger depends on the requirements of oilfield service company or operator. 


Steam heat exchanger is used as a part of well testing device, which plays an important role in ensuring that the well fluid reaches the necessary temperature level before entering the test separator.

Steam heater is a special type of heat exchanger that transfers heat from steam to well fluid. It is mainly used in well testing and well flushing. The configuration of steam heat exchanger depends on the requirements of oilfield service company or operator. It usually includes flow control valve, choke valve, level indicator, pressure thermometer, safety valve and steam pressure controller.

Steam comes from the steam generator and enters the heater. The steam inlet pipe is equipped with one or two pressure controllers to control the steam flow. If the pressure in the vessel increases, install one or two relief valves. The level indicator shows the level conditions in the vessel. When the steam reaches the pipe, its temperature drops and becomes liquid, which is then discharged through the nozzle under the vessel.

Steam heat exchanger is used as a part of well testing device, which is mainly used in well testing and well flushing.